Friday, February 12, 2010

A trip down Pregnancy Lane...continued...

At about 9 week pregnant I got so sick that I had to be put in the hospital for dehydration, yuck! I was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sick, I had the worst morning sickness, I had to be put on nausea meds. that they put chemo patients on, it was horrible!!! Finally at about 17 weeks or so I wasn't sick anymore!!! Thank goodness!!! That, was the best feeling I have EVER felt after beeing dog sick for 13 weeks!!!

I think being sick in the beginning made up for everything at the end though!!!! I had a great great GREAT pregnancy!!! The day I went in to have Mason, I could have walked 5 miles!!! I mean don't get me wrong, my back ached like every other 9 month pregnant woman in the world, but nothing that would stop after rubbing it for a couple of mins!!! My feet did swell towards the end and my blood pressure would get kinda high every now and then!!! But it wasn't anything big!

The best part of being pregnant though is not having period and even better feeling the baby move!! I loved to lay in bed and play with Mason while he was moving around!!!

One more thing, I had a great support group not only from my friends and family, but from WTE Ladies!!! If your pregnant go to and under community you can find the month your due and talk with other ladies that are in the same boat as you!!!! You really get connected and get close to each other!!!

So, that was a little about my prenancy!!!

That's me and my life until next time! :)

Ephesians 6:10-11
"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes."

1 comment:

  1. Yeah you have a blog! Mason is so cute; I am amazed at all his hair.
